If your home has damage to your floor from water, it’s crucial to take immediate action in order to avoid the dangers associated with microbial growth. When water enters into a home, often due to flooding, the damages that occur can extend much further than appearances alone. Moisture provides microbial growth with the perfect environment in which to thrive which can lead to a host of health problems for those living within the household.
The Dangers of Microbial Growth
Standing water is breeding grounds for microbial growth which includes bacteria, viruses, mold, and other microorganisms. Sewage and other harmful toxins can also enter into your home, or its water supply, after flooding which can put your family directly into harm’s way. This microbial growth can lead to sickness, including lung disease, and it could also worsen pre-existing health conditions such as asthma and allergies.
What To Do If Your Home Has Been Flooded
If your home has been flooded, it’s important not to panic but instead to contact a professional cleaning company, such as Claria, who’s equipped to handle the job properly. Before they arrive, you can take action by locating and stopping the water source when possible. You should also remove any furniture from the area in order to reduce the damaging effects that water can cause. It’s important to remember that even if a home appears dry, that’s often not the case, which is why professional help is highly recommended. This is because water can soak into the carpeting, as well as the home’s structure, which in turn reduces its visibility although it’s still present.
How a Professional Cleaning Company Can Help
A professional cleaning company can provide you with remediation services, such as inspecting the property and coordinating tests, so your home can be restored before the damages become irreversible. They can also thoroughly clean up any water damage within the home, using state-of-the-art equipment, to minimize the chance of microbial growth. Leave it to professionals to thoroughly remove any standing or stagnant water since some floor water damage may not be noticeable upon first glance, leaving you in danger of microbial growth.